Monday 10 September 2018

Broken Promises - The Chronicles of Han Book Series Announcement

Broken Promises

Sometimes in life one has to face what is called the physical reality, turn and walk away like a Living Death, an end of a saga, quit and not look back.

From a loyal fan in 2014: "I find it totally impossible for an ordinary housewife with an ordinary husband and two ordinary little girls to have the time to sit down, plot these books with all the different characters, names,  scenarios, events, technical descriptions, names for the most weird creatures/things,  find venues for all of this to happen in worlds nearly similar to ours, in different dimensions, different universes, this life , inbetween lives, afterlife.......... and then she brings it all together in ordinary understandable English, including mundane little everyday happenings and while reading on you sometimes wonder why it was included and all this is given to us in bookform .......... books that keep you reading on and on because you want to see what comes next and then experience disappointment when you finish the book.........not because of what you’ve read, simply  the knowledge that the next one is not lying there, waiting to be read .  But, read on, I was given the promise that there are definitely more to come ....the next in the near future."

"Jaya Jagadish Hare, Jaya Jagadish Hare, Jaya Jagadish Hare," he repeated, softer and softer, while I felt the intense pain in his chest.
*What does it mean?* I wanted to know from him.
*Hail to the Lord of the Universe.*
It is done. It is complete. Hanuman Blessings upon this World and all those who believe in Him.
September 11, 1973

Han Gibson aka Han Storm, Krish Dameous, Macian Jamal, HHL Hanuman et al.

Books will be left on the website to be purchased for the time being. See

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