Chronicles of Han: Living a Multidimensional Life, Section 1, The Nde and Life Review of H Gibson
Status: AVAILABLE 03 February 2019
Please note this book is meant be a stand-alone to be enjoyed independently while complementing the current Chronicles of Han past life book series. This book covers the NDEs (Near Death Experiences), Life Review, impact, and recovery process from Third Degree Burns to 35% of the author's body.
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Living A Multidimensional Life Caught up in a cooking oil explosion, I twice went into cardiac arrest,
slipping away to the other side, to be returned for the greater good of mankind.
Without challenge there is no growth, therefore Souls are tempered during incarnations.
I am Han, and this is my life-memory . . .
*** Foreword ***
"Clear!" the ER doctor warned where I hovered in spirit form above the bed, watching them struggle with the blackened corpse, attempting to attach an IV into the shoulder.
The electric shock of the defibrillator sucked me right back into my body.
Awareness of their struggle around me made me moan in agony of being re-incarcerated into the worthless flesh.
"We have you, do not worry, stay with us," Dr Ching encouraged, watching me, a mask covering his face.
They had managed to secure the IV, Dr Kozaczynski stitching it in place not to be dislodged.
'How fortunate I am to be surrounded by familiar people.'
A random, out of place thought. It was not so bad to go through such a disaster while tended to by people you knew.
Closing my eyes, I let everything go, slipping out of my body, briefly glancing back where the doctors were debating about amputating my fingers; whether or not I had sustained inhalation burns.
Ronald was not there. My lifeline was not at my side as he always was.
"Vitals dropping!" someone stated while the doctors scrambled to attend to the dying body.
*Come, Han,* Sensaii beckoned.
Listening to my lifelong spirit friend, I thought of The Land Beyond. There was nothing I wanted to do for my body. It was time to go home . . .
Copyright © H Gibson Chronicles of Han 2009-2019
Feedback / Review
"Intriguing, interesting and clarifying!" - Manfred MenkeThe Chronicles of Han, Living a Multidimensional Life,
Section 1: Near Death Experience, Life Review, Aftermath
Copyright © H Gibson Chronicles of Han 2009-2019
Date Published: 3 February 2019
Paperback: 978-1-928471-26-4
ebook: 978-1-928471-27-1
H Gibson Author and Cover Design
Set in Book Antiqua
56,391 words - approximately 6 hours of entertainment
Section 1: Near Death Experience, Life Review,Aftermath
*** Legal Responsibility ***
*** About this book ***
*** Living A Multidimensional Life ***
*** Foreword ***
*** One ***
Friday, March 5, 2004, NDE at age 33
*** Two ***
*** Three ***
Entering The Land of The Golden Light
Celestial Beings
Questions about NDEs
NDE - Near Death Experience
NNDE - Near Near Death Experience (Medically Unconfirmed)
DE - Death Experience
OBE - Out of Body Experiences
AP - Astral Projection, Astral Walking, Conscious OBE
STE - Spiritually Transformative Experiences
Remote Viewing / Consciousness Shifting
Split Consciousness / Partial OBE
Note from author
Start of my Life-Review - Childhood
Early Adulthood
Wishes do come true
Reincarnation Ethics
Early Marriage and Life challenges
The wedding
Trusting the Process of Life
Life Happens
Returning to my Soul-Roots
Obvious Instructions
Meeting my Healer Guide
Issues with old boyfriends
Being Reprimanded by YourSelf
Previous Near Death Experiences
NDE/OBE at Age 3
NDE/OBE at Age 18
NDE/OBE at Age 28
NDE/OBE at age 32
Becoming MySelf
*** Four ***
Saturday, March 6, 2004
Doctor Discussion
Mysterious Visitor
Morphine versus Energy Healing
*** Five ***
Sunday, March 7, 2004
*** Six ***
Monday, March 8, 2004
*** Seven ***
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Friday, March 12, 2004
*** Eight ***
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Monday, March 15, 2004
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
*** Nine ***
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
*** Ten ***
A new normal
Meeting a South African Icon
Death and Life
*** Eleven ***
*** Twelve ***
Paranormal Activities and Metaphysical Gifts
How I met my Dark Guardian
Protection Energy
Losing Family Members
Guiding Them Home - Stuck Between Worlds
Guiding Them Home - Death of an Atheist
Unsolicited Visits
Reintroduction to Reiki
Pets and the Afterlife
*** Thirteen ***
A New Adventure
*** Epilogue ***
*** Reference Notes ***
*** About H Gibson ***
*** Other Titles in the Chronicles of Han Storm Series ***
Behind the Scenes Blog Booklet
Preserving Creata
Reclaiming Duback
Taming Encha
Sovereign Dōhr
Negotiating Limïer
Opening Almeria
Engaging Chlophilia
Saving Leilaka
Recounting Leilaka
Return to Leilaka