Friday, 6 May 2016

Leilaka: Excerpts Foreword

Leilaka: Excerpts Foreword

In preparation of the launch of Saving Leilaka, the first chapters of Leilaka is now available on my website. Leilaka, Foreword:

" This body was almost four hundred years old. I was exhausted with the constant demands placed upon it. I was tired of the way humanity was still abusing one another.
       Instead of peace I had found constant bickering, only rarely coming across an entity that was interested in the workings of the Higher Worlds.
       After all my adventures, I have come home." 

Copyright © H Gibson Chronicles of Han Storm 2009-2016

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Leilaka entered into #SPFBO: The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off 2016!

#SPFBO: The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off 2016!

Leilaka has been entered into this competition.

300 entries have been submitted and Leilaka is one of 30 books that will be reviewed by The BiblioSanctum Blog Panel.

This is a huge field with all the books looking immensely interesting and professionally finished.

Here is the link to The BiblioSanctum's Blog, listing the 30 books of which Leilaka is one.

Happy hunting for more reading material!

H Gibson