Saturday, 19 October 2013

Chronicles of Han Storm on WATTPAD

Part 1 and Part 2 of Book 1 of Chronicles of Han Storm are available on Wattpad for easy reading.


H Gibson
Author, Chronicles of Han Storm

Wattpad: Chronicles of Han Storm on Wattpad

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Chronicles of Han Storm: Dare to become Addicted!

Title: Han Storm: The Chronicles of Han
Preserving Creata - Book 1 Part 1-7, Reclaiming of Duback - Book 2 Part 8
Author: H Gibson
Genre: Adventure, Science Fiction, Metaphysical

Reviewed by R. Gibson, editor of Chronicles of Han, 24 Aug 2010

Prepare to become addicted!

I have read 100’s of books, covering all spectrums  but never have I been this captivated. The Chronicles of Han is the story of a young peace officer that has psychic powers. He is tasked in regaining lost knowledge of science and inter stellar travel to save a planet abused by over exploitation and in the process expands his gifts.

The book, characters and storyline starts off undemanding and uncomplicated. As the story unfolds, the characters as well as the storyline matures, dragging the reader into the tale, causing you to feel and experience with Han. On occasion I found myself reluctantly having to put down the book so as to put a damper on my emotions, be it sadness or anger. As I progressed with the book I finally figured out why I would become so emotionally involved. It dawned on me that this book reflects a bit of each of us, causing you to identify either with a character or a situation.

As you get more involved with the tale, loads of questions pop up, just to be answered directly or by inference, causing you to think “but I knew that!”.

The down side of the book is that I now find most of my previous books dull and slow-moving.

Can’t wait for the next one.


The books are printed and distributed by the Author.

Buy E-Books or Paperback directly from

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Introductions to Chronicles of Han Storm Blogger


It has been almost three years since starting to Blog on where most of the Bloggers moved on to a more Global platform. It is only the few diehards that are left. I guess it is time to move along, leaving my comfort zone.

I am a quiet sort of person, usually saying everything I have to say in my books. But sometimes there is a highlight in my life or a special event coming up like my new book launch over November/December 2013. I know fans would like to know about it and this would be ideal in keeping them up to date and informed.

Enjoy future posts.

H Gibson
Author, Chronicles of Han Storm